Nikos Giousef was born in 1975 in Zakynthos Greece. At the age of 6 he started playing music in the school of mandolins in Zakynthos. He continued as a bassist in various bands ("Shock", "Nesla», «Diahisis»), while attending music theory classes. In 1996 Nikos began studying cello with Julie Lazaridou at the "Art & Music School”. At this school he attended seminars in jazz and modern arrangement, film music, composing and improvisation while seeking the mentorship and advice of George Hadjinikos and Mary Halari.
With the assistance of Kostas Valatsos’ in 2002, Nikos created a unique baritone upright musical saw.He met the soloist of the musical saw Elly Deliou in 2009 and she taught him the classical technique of playing the musical saw. In 2015, he participated in the 1st European Musical Saw Festival placed in Vienna. During this Festival Nikos presented a new custom handmade musical saw brand "Music Blade" made in Athens.
Nikos Giousef is a member of the following (bass and musical saw) groups
“Ypogeia Revmata”, “Tsiri Band', “Neon”, "Jazz Baroque". He also plays concerts as a soloist with the musical saw. Nikos is a member of the art collective “Tsiritsantsoules”. On stage he has collaborated with Yannis Aggelakas,, , Thanos Anestopoulos etc.
“Rainbow”( direction: Efi Theodorou, National Greek Theatre, 2010)
“Poets sing naked” (T. Anestopoulos- N. Platanos- N. Giousef, Kyttaro live club 2009)
“ODC” (direction :Elli Papakonstantinou, Delphi Festival & Cairo theatre Festival 2010)
“From Roots to the Flowers of Good” (T. Anestopoulos, Pallas & Moni Lazariston 2016)
“Bluebeard on Via Crucis” (Konstantinou- Giousef, National Greek Opera, 2017)
"Claudio Monteverdi: L’ Orfeo" opera (Markellos Chryssicos - Thanos Papakonstantinou, Megaron, Athens Concert Hall, 2017)
"Travelling from Baroque to Jazz" (Giousef- Moussas- Gofa - Iliopoulos - Trampas, Megaron, Athens Concert Hall, 2018)
"Jazz Baroque" (Giousef - Moussas - Gofa- Baka - Iliopoulos - Trampas, Snfcc, Athens)
"Adagio From the Underground" (Giousef, Tinakou, Katsanos, Megaron Athens Concert Hall 2019)
"From Classical to Nowhere" (Stickney, Giousef, Tiniakou, Katsanos, Megaron Athens Concert Hall 2019)
Since September 2010 he has been working with Irini Tiniakou and has presented a series of concerts for musical saw and piano on works of classical composers in Athens and Paris such as Parnassos cultural centre, Espace Saint-Sauveur.
He is also play as an actor to several variete performances of “Tsiritsantsoules” art collectiva.
Short Films
“He shouldn’t have come to Athens” direction Marinos Mouzakis, 2001
“The preparation” direction Marinos Mouzakis, 2009
“Flambé” direction Konstantinos Poulis,2009
“The Shipreck” Panteios Theatre team, 2009
“To Perdiki” direction Konstantinos Mavridis,2009
“Revanche” direction Dionisis Mataragas,2010
“Hide and Seek” direction Dionisis Mataragas,2014
Theatre performances
“Variete”by Tsiritsantsoules ,in which he partcipated as an actor,2005
“Rendezvous with the History” by Tsiritsantsoules ,in which he partcipated as an actor,2011
“Operation Judith” direction Pericles Korovesis,2010
Μovie improvised accompaniment
“The Lodger (1927)” by Alfred Hitchcock (Pallas Theatre, 2009)
“The Wildcat (1921)” by Ernst Lubitsch (Goethe Institut, 2011)
“Keratea – Keratades 1-0 (2011)” by Tsiritsantsoules (Cine Phillip 2011)
“Women Of Ryazan (1927)” by Ivan Pravov (Cine Alkyonis, 2017)
“Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916)” by G. W. Griffith (Athens Concert Hall 2017)
"La antena" by Esteban Sapir (Cine Mikrokosmos 2018-2019)
"The Forty First - Sorok Pervyy" by Yakov Protazanov (Cine Studio 2019)
"The cabinet of Dr. Caligari" by Robert Wiene (cine Trianon 2019)
“He shouldn’t have come to Athens” direction M. Mouzakis, 2001 (CD, Ankh productions, 2002,)
Group albums
“Shock – Live before you die” ( MC, DIY 1991)
“T.Moussas Farm – Newborn” (CD, Ankh productions, 2012)
“Neon – Morphee” (CD & LP, Creative Space, 2012)
“Neon – Any Reality is Repulsive” (CD & LP. Inner Ear, 2012)
“Ypogeia Reymata - New Day” (CD, Impact Music, 2007)
“Ypogeia Reymata – 20” (LP vol I & II, MLK Records, 2014)
“Ypogeia Reymata – 20 14” (2CD, MLK Records, 2015)
“Ypogeia Reymata – Vinyl Is Back Live Sessions Vo. 1 (LP, Vinyl is Back, 2107)
“Tsiri Band – Revolution” (CD, Tsiritsantsoules, 2017)
"Ypogeia Reymata - 01/02" (maxi single 7'', Goodheart productions 2019)
"Neon - Riverbank" (LP, Ikaros records 2019)
"Giousef,Tiniakou,Katsanos - Adagios From the Underground" (2LP, Underflow Rec. 2020)
"Ypogeia Reymata - The Land i Leave" (CD, LP, Ogdoo Records 2021)
"Giorgos Konstantinou, Nikos Giousef / Bluebeard on Via Crucis" (Digital release, Goodheart Productions 2022)
"Ypogeia Reymata - 30 years in the Undergound" (CD, Ypogeia Reymata, 2024)
Songs in albums
“Ethnic Sounds 2”, Various (song “New Cairo” Ankh productions, 2002)
“Kaliopi Vetta -Sunday morning” (song “ I had purpose” Universal Records, 2005)
“Bar Athens, Various” (song “lefta, money, dollars” Nascente 2008)
“George Perris - Take a Breath” (song “Judah” Sony Records 2008)
“T.Moussas Farm – Newborn” (song “Matias” Ankh productions, 2012)
Musical Saw in albums
“T.Moussas Farm – Newborn” (CD, Ankh productions, 2012)
“Thanos Anestopoulos – Until The End” (CD & LP, Inner Ear, 2012)
“Nikos Kollaros – Bookmarks” (CD, Mikros Heros, 2016)
“Mr. Highway Band – The Rebel Artist" (2017, DIY CD/ LP)
"Tango with Lions - The light" (2108, INNER EAR CD/LP)
"Dirty Fuse - Calling of the deep" (2108, DIY LP)
"Jane Doe - Random Acts of Kindness" (2021. LP Made of Stone Recordings)
"Byron Katritsis - Vrady" (Digital Release , 2022)
"Eric Terino / Innovations of Grave Perversity" (CD & LP, Eric Terino USA, 2022)
The Holy Strangers - Diary Of The Shadow" (CD & LP, INNER EAR, 2022)
BBB_ - Embrace Curiosity Digital Release, 2023, Germany)
Mother Iguana - Eyeball Planet (Digital Release, USA 2023)